Published in Gaming

Battlefield 3 is a PC title first

by on09 February 2011

Console versions will be a port from PC version
More information continues to trickle out from DICE on Battlefield 3. This time it goes beyond saying that the PC version of Battlefield 3 is the primary development platform for the title and the console versions will come from the PC version. This is a much different strategy than DICE has used in the past where the PC version was simply an enhanced port of the console version of the title.

Battlefield 3 will be using dedicated servers to host the online action, as has become tradition in the Battlefield franchise. While mod tools are still planned for release for Battlefield 3, they will not be coming at release due in part to the new Frostbite 2 engine that powers Battlefield 3. In addition, it is still up in the air as to what kind of functionality these mod tools will offer and how they will handle mods. DICE has noted that the development and release of mod tools takes a lot of effort; and right now they need to be focused on the release of the title.

One other interesting thing of note is that DICE has apparently learned a lot of lessons about DLC content, and they will not be handling it the same way they did for Battlefield Bad Company 2. In the future, you can expect a steady stream of content and no six-month wait. DICE has realized that the content is necessary to maintain momentum of the title and keep player interest in the title at a high level. While DICE offers no hints, you can bet that you will see a lot of content for Battlefield 3.

With all of the recent news coming out of the DICE camp on Battlefield 3, it seems that the Battlefield community is pleased with what they are hearing. Talk in the community seems to indicate a significant interest in Battlefield 3, but it also comes with a lot of concern whether DICE can actually deliver on its promise of a state-of-the-art Battlefield experience for the PC platform. It has been some time since DICE has really focused on a PC release, but from what we are seeing indications are good that it will be what Battlefield fans want.

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