Published in Gaming

Used Gamertags to get recycled

by on02 March 2011

Microsoft to start making them available
Microsoft has announced that they have started the process of recycling old (dead) Xbox LIVE Gamertags and making them available again. Apparently, this is a request that many have been making, and a little at a time these used and defunct Gamertags will again be available to select.

While Microsoft will not be releasing a list of the recycled Gamertags that have become available again, users will have to go to the change Gamertag option and input a specific Gamertag to see if it is available, or use the random Gamertag Generator to see what is available. Of course, changing your Gamertag does cost Microsoft Points.

With many of the old Gamertags becoming available it could see a revival of Xbox Live people again using Gamertags without so many numbers after them. Microsoft suggests that you check back regularly to see if a specific Gamertag that you want is available. Honestly, we have no clue as to why it took them so long to start recycling Gamertags, but we glad that they are doing it.

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