Published in Gaming

Leaked Halo 4 demo reel is fake

by on29 February 2012

Microsoft Studios

No November 21st release date

Microsoft says that a would-be cinematic effects reel that has been making the rounds as “leaked” is a fake. In addition, Microsoft also claims that the news that this reel reveals a November 21st, 2012 launch date is likewise false.

The video claims to be a collection of special effects and does seem to make a number of Halo references. There is no Master Chief or other recognizable Halo characters or places in the video, from what we can tell. While the style is similar to the E3 Halo 4 teaser, that is about all we can say.

Sources have whispered to us that we should expect Halo 4 to be unveiled prior to E3 at the upcoming Xbox Spring Showcase Event that starts this week. Of course, this is only a rumor, but Microsoft has confirmed that you should stay tuned for more Halo 4 information; however, they don’t give any clue as to when it might be coming.

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