Published in Gaming

Older Xbox 360s having issues with GTA 5

by on23 September 2013

Seems to be models from 2006 to 2008

A number of Xbox 360 owners of older consoles produced between 2006 to 2008 have apparently been having some issues running the new Grand Theft Auto V. Reports have included lockups, system crashes, and freezes even after a short period of play.

Some are suggesting that these older systems with the old smaller hard drives seem to be the issue because systems that were manufactured between the 2006 and 2008 time period that have been upgraded with the larger 120GB hard drive don’t seem to be seeing these issues.

While users have tried to delete and reinstall the game, a suggested method from Microsoft support has worked for some, but others have seen no change. The suggested process to try is:

1 – Delete all GTA 5 game data from the hard drive
2 – Clear the System Cache Three Times (No idea why they say do it three times, but just do it!)
3 – Delete marketplace data from storage system items
4 – Unplug the console for three minutes
5 – Install Disc 1 to the hard drive
6 – Power Off – Do Not Insert Disc 2
7 – Power On
8 – Now Install Disc 2
9 – Attempt to Play the game

Some users have reported that they have had luck by using two large flash memory sticks and installing Disc 1 on the first one and Disc 2 on the other one. Of course you would want large USB flash memory sticks that are fast and meet the Xbox 360 performance standards, but it might work.

So far we have not had trouble using GTA V on any of the three consoles that we have tried it on. That is not to say that this is a wide enough sampling. Judging by some of your Email, you are having problems and Rockstar running down the issue and bringing out a patch might be your only hope. Rockstar says that they are looking into the issue.

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