Published in Gaming

Lost GTA Online characters are gone for good

by on15 October 2013

Rockstar now admitting they can’t be recovered

The continued bumpy launch of the Grand Theft Auto V Online continues with the news that Online characters that were lost, cannot be recovered. That is not all. Missing player ranks are also gone as well as confirmed by Rockstar.

To ease the pain for the losses, Rockstar has confirmed that it will be giving an in-game cash stimulus of $500,000 for players to spend. The in-game cash will help players get a new character on their feet in Los Santos.

Rockstar has also confirmed and an additional patch is coming to help address more issues and resolve additional game bugs. The character deletion bug or glitch if you will, was addressed by a patch that was released last week.

Rockstar remains committed to resolving technical issues with the game and they are planning additional updates to include more fixing. The vehicle loss problem seems to be one of the major issues and Rockstar claims that one of the next patches will hopefully resolve this issue as well as some of the other minor glitches as well.


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