Bungie sacked Barrett
Inappropriate behaviour
Bloomberg has discovered that Bungie Christopher Barrett’s surprise exit earlier this year was due to a misconduct investigation prompted by at least eight female employees.

Nvidia announces new Destiny 2 bundle
Shows it running in 4K at 60 FPS
Bungie showed a lot of Destiny 2 details at the E3 2017 show while Nvidia showed the game running in 4K at 60 FPS as well as announced that it will be bundling the game with some of its Geforce graphics cards.

Bungie's Destiny 2 confirmed for PC
New trailer released
Bungie has now officially released the Destiny 2 reveal trailer unveiling some story details as well as confirming that the game will indeed be coming to the PC.
Destiny goes gold for launch
Sent out for replication is good news
Bungie confirms Destiny resolution
Will be 1080p/30fps on both consoles
Bungie to ditch Kinect support for Destiny
Opts to use the extra power to boost resolution
Destiny launch date moved & confirmed
Will not make Spring 2014 release as first announced
First installment from Bungie to be 360 exclusive
Four game plan for Activision published project
Bungie making progress on new IP
New universe is taking shape
Bungie not attending E3

No new IP announcement yet