Canonical Founder wades into open sauce purists
Disgusted by the hate
Canonical Founder Mark Shuttleworth says that he has become disgusted with the level of hate in the free software community.
Fossil’s Q Founder on sale
$295 for Android Wear
Fossil's first Android Ware smartwatch has gone on sale for $295.
Co-founders exit BioWare
EA not a factor in the decision
The Pirate Bay co-founder arrested in Cambodia
Sounds like he'll pray for extradition
Tablets and ultra-books are fads
Acer founder calls for more value-added products
Microsoft co-founder denies he is trying to knife Gates
My biography is supposed to set the record straight
Zuckerberg's first web-site sold
Made $30,000
Facebook founders chip in for marijuana legalization
The planet's favorite past time created by potheads?
Apple products are a “bunch of mutants”
Can't kill them straight away