Microsoft unveils Xbox One X at E3 2017 show
Published in Gaming

US $499 priced console with serious punch

During its E3 2017 press conference, Microsoft has unveiled its upcoming new console, the Xbox One X. Described by Microsoft as "the world's most powerful console", the US $499 priced Xbox One X packs some serious punch with AMD CPU and GPU.

Last Japanese PlayStation 3 shipped
Published in Gaming

End of an era

After 11 years in the shops, Sony has dispatched its last PS3 to Japanese retailers.

Nintendo working on SNES miniature console
Published in Gaming

Cited as one reason for NES Classic's seasonal release timeframe

Following the short-lived release of its sellout NES Classic console in November, Nintendo says it has “a lot going on right now” following the console’s largely successful reception.

Call of Duty: WWII officially announced
Published in Gaming

Trailer in tow

After a teaser released earlier last week, Activision has now officially announced the new Call of Duty WWII, which is, as you could have guessed, is going back to its roots and the World War II scenario.

Samsung warns Galaxy S8 should not be a dog’s chew toy
Published in Gaming

OK for babies though

Samsung is worried that people are going to feed their smartphone to their dog as a rather expensive chew-toy.