US regulators mull automatic braking systems
Published in Transportation

Accident prevention

The US The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has proposed a rule requiring new cars and trucks to have automatic braking systems capable of preventing collisions.

US China trade war hots up over Micron
Published in PC Hardware
Tuesday, 30 May 2023 10:46

US China trade war hots up over Micron

Fall out expected 

The trade war between the US and China is hotting up over the Middle Kingdom's decision to ban Micron memory products.

US military trialling autonomous F-16 fighter
Published in AI

Terminator coming

The US military "is now testing an autonomous F-16 fighter jet, and in simulated dogfighting, the AI already crushes trained human pilots.

Supremes save big tech’s bacon
Published in News
Friday, 19 May 2023 11:30

Supremes save big tech’s bacon

Recommending terrorist content does not make you liable

Big Tech is sighing in relief after the US Supreme Court has declined to consider reinterpreting foundational Internet law Section 230.

Chinese software engineer charged with stealing Apple car tech
Published in News

Attempted to get the entire code

A former Apple software engineer has been charged with stealing Apple's autonomous technology for a Chinese self-driving car company, the US Department of Justice announced :

AI makers ask US senate for regulation
Published in AI
Wednesday, 17 May 2023 10:07

AI makers ask US senate for regulation

Before it is too late 

AI bigwigs have been appearing before a US Senate Judiciary subcommittee to ask for some hard and fast regulations before things get out of hand.

Lynch off to face US court
Published in News
Friday, 12 May 2023 11:19

Lynch off to face US court

Faces 17 charges for what might have been HP's mess

UK Mike Lynch has been extradited to the United States to face criminal charges over Hewlett Packard's $11 billion acquisition of his software company.

Chinese think they can do AI with weaker chips
Published in AI

Avoiding US sanctions 

While the US thinks that it can delay China's rise in power by forbidding the sale of high powered chips to the Middle Kingdom, it seems that is doomed to fail.

FTC asks US companies to use AI nicely
Published in AI

Because there will be no problems if everyone is nice

America's consumer-protecting federal agency, the FTC is asking US companies to be nice when it comes to using customer data on AI systems.

US arrests gamer over Ukraine security leaks
Published in News

It was a good idea to give a 21-year-old gamer a high-level security clearance

The US has identified and arrested the leader of a small online gaming chat group where a trove of classified US intelligence documents leaked over the last few months.