US start-ups give a Chinese AI efforts a leg up
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Apparently the government has not told them this is a bad idea 

US institutional investors are indirectly financing a rash of Chinese AI startups aspiring to be China's answer to OpenAI.

US teens don’t see the point of Virtual Reality
Published in IoT

Better things to do

A new survey from Piper Sandler shows that US teens find Virtual Reality silly.

US government declares war on Amazon
Published in News
Tuesday, 21 March 2023 11:02

US government declares war on Amazon

Likely to be as successful as its invasion of Canada

The White House is planning to act on at least three of its six investigations into the online bookseller Amazon.

Samsung invests billions in chip factories
Published in News
Thursday, 16 March 2023 10:08

Samsung invests billions in chip factories

Soon the US will fear South Korea

Samsung will invest around $230.8 billion over 20 years in the South Korean government's push to develop a mega semiconductor hub in the country.

US government wants more sanctions against Chinese chip makers
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Wants to set the Chinese back ten years

The US government is working on even tighter restrictions to set Chinese chipmakers back nearly a decade.

US Military investigating Starlink contracts over Musk's eccentric behaviour
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We don't see why we have to make military decisions based on the whim of one rich kid

As we predicted, the US military is not that happy that its military strategy is vulnerable to the whims of the likes of Elon [look at me] Musk and is starting to review contracts awarded to his Starlink space service.

Tik Tok plans to protect US data do not go far enough
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Whistleblower claims

A former TikTok employee turned whistleblower has reportedly met with multiple senators expressing concerns TikTok’s plan to secure US user data won’t go far enough to stop possible Chinese espionage.

ARM decides to list in US only
Published in News
Monday, 06 March 2023 11:05

ARM decides to list in US only

British success story needs to list in a country where tomatos are available

British success story ARM has stuck two fingers up to the British government and opted for a US-only public listing, making the company as Americian as Apple pie.

Singapore wants to profit from US and China tensions
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Wants to attract chip money

With the US and China squabbling over chip designs and other countries concerned about an imagined chip shortage and flinging money at super rich chip makers, Singapore wants its share.

US top cyber diplomat Twitter account hacked
Published in News
Tuesday, 07 February 2023 11:22

US top cyber diplomat Twitter account hacked

If only the company could afford to keep its clients' accounts safe

Nate Fick, the inaugural US ambassador for Cyberspace and Digital Policy announced the hack of his personal account over the weekend.