Nvidia could launch RTX 4060 Ti 8GB on May 24th
Published in Graphics

AMD Radeon RX 7600 should come a day later, on May 25th

Although there were a couple of rumors regarding both Nvidia's and AMD's upcoming mid-range graphics card launches, the fresh one gives a bit more precise launch dates for all three Nvidia RTX 4060 series graphics cards, as well as AMD's Radeon RX 7600.

Asus unveils couple of new RTX 4090 graphics cards
Published in Graphics

A pair of ASUS TUF 4090 OG and liquid-cooled ROG STRIX LC RTX 4090

Asus has announced a couple of new Geforce RTX 4090 graphics cards, including a pair of TUF Gaming RTX 4090 OG graphics cards as well as two custom liquid-cooled ROG STRIX LC RTX 4090 graphics cards.

Nvidia Geforce RTX 4070 could get AD103 version
Published in Graphics

Those AD103 GPUs that are not good enough for RTX 4080

According to the latest rumor, Nvidia could introduce an RTX 4070 version with AD103 GPU, reusing some of those GPUs that are not qualified for the RTX 4080.

Nvidia could launch RTX 4060 Ti in 8GB and 16GB versions
Published in Graphics

The 8GB version comes this month, 16GB one in July

According to the latest rumor, it appears that Nvidia plans to launch the Geforce RTX 4060 Ti in both 8GB and 16GB versions, with the 8GB one coming this month and the 16GB version coming in July.

Nvidia comes up with new algorithm for texture compression
Published in Graphics

Better than traditional systems or AVIF and JPEG-XL

The GPU maker named after a Roman vengeance daemon, Nvidia has published a paper which details a new algorithm for texture compression which could reduce system requirements for future AAA titles.