AMD releases new Radeon Software 17.6.2 driver
One to have for DiRT 4
AMD has released its latest Radeon Software Crimson ReLive Edition 17.6.2 driver which brings performance improvements for DiRT 4 and Prey games as well as fixes some performance problems seen with earlier drivers.

Apple Watch Series 2 models detailed and priced
Ceramic Watch Series 2 Edition starts at US $1249
Apple has updated its website with new devices and now we can finally check out all the Watch Series 2 models and there are plenty to choose from, ranging from US $369 to a rather startling US $1,299.
Angry Birds goes Star Wars?
Rovio teases such an idea
Battlefield 3 Premium Edition confirmed
Everything BF3 in one special package
Point of View/TGT GTX 680 Beast Watercooled Edition 4GB previewed
Preview: Faster iteration with low leakage GPUs
Warner confirms GOTY edition of Arkham City
Harley Quinn’s Revenge DLC coming soon, as well
Binary Domain to get PC release
Now officially confirmed by Sega
PC Alan Wake to get boxed
Boxed release coming April 3rd
Kinect Special Edition confirmed
Glossy white 360 with Kinect for $300
Club3D GTX 560 Ti CoolStream OC Edition reviewed

Review: A very silent partner