Software incorrectly tells 400 people they have cancer
Published in IoT

That will ruin your day

A biotechnology company selling a $949 blood test that it bills as a "first of its kind" to detect cancer said it incorrectly informed about 400 customers that they might have the disease.

Apple shows off its Vision Pro specs
Published in IoT

Late, out-of-date, impractical, and hideously over-priced

Fruity cargo-cult Apple has finally released a product for rich kids who were dropped on their heads by their nannies.

Meta releases Quest 3 VR headset
Published in IoT

$499.99 headset arrives in Autumn 

Meta has officially announced its Quest 3 VR headset in a post on Mark Zuckerberg's Instagram.

Musk allowed to conduct medical experiments on humans
Published in IoT

“Evil rating” level up

The US Food and Drugs Administration (FDA) has decided that despite a high death rate amongst his animal test subjects, it is ok for Elon [look at me] Musk to test installing chips into human brains.

Meta in talks with Magic Leap
Published in IoT

Part of the Metaverse project

Facebook's parent company Meta is reportedly in discussions with augmented reality start-up Magic Leap to establish a multiyear agreement for intellectual property licensing and contract manufacturing in North America.