Our colleagues at Gizmodo managed to score what seem to be the first pictures of Panasonic's portable online gaming system codenamed Jungle, and we just managed to confirm that the new parable console has Tegra chip inside. You can check out Gizmodo's report here.
The console supports online gaming and Battlestar Galactica is coming for this console. We don’t have the launch schedule but it packs Tegra, again we don’t know which version, but it's an Nvidia chip that powers this thing.
The target audience should be the MMORPG people who are traditionally stuck with gaming on their PC and this is traditionally part of market that doesn’t goes well with the mobile consoles such as PSP and Nintendo DS.
We can only hope that Jungle has a dual core Tegra 2, but a single core Tegra 1 sounds more likely.
You can get more infromation from official site here and check the video below.
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Panasonic Jungle gaming console has Tegra
