Verizon Wireless customer support tweeted that, despite its sales teams heavy sales of 5G the people on the ground are noticing the tech might have a few glitches.
In a Sunday morning tweet, Verizon support helpfully suggested that "one way to help conserve battery life is to turn on LTE" if users found their batteries were "draining faster than normal".
That step would, of course, turn off 5G in a phone that has it available. Of course you do not actually "turn on LTE" when doing this step — LTE is always enabled as a fallback for the 5G network. What you are really doing is turning off 5G.
Since the post was made it has since been deleted, which probably means someone from marketing was highly miffed that facts were presented in favour of spin.
It is also important to point out that Verizon's nationwide 5G network "uses a technology called DSS, which in many instances is slower than the LTE network it's trying to replace”. If you are going to have something slower, and burn your battery it is probably better to switch the thing off.