Published in Mobiles

Google will hang onto your phone

by on04 June 2024

If you repair it with third-party parts

Once you start repairing your Google phone with third-party parts, you will have to keep doing it, or the search engine company will take it back, and you will never see it again.

Google has a self-repair programme for servicing your damaged or malfunctioning Pixel device. As its support site explains, you can get repair tools, manuals, and certified parts to make your Pixel like new.

Owners can also choose to simply send their device in to have it repaired professionally. As replacement parts can be expensive, some DIYers decide to use parts from third-party suppliers. But if you go down this route, you may want to avoid sending your device to Google if there's a problem you don't have the skills to fix on your own.

As YouTuber Louis Rossmann discovered, Google's service and repair terms and conditions contain a concerning stipulation. The document states that if a non-OEM part is found, Google will keep your device. Apparently, this rule has been in effect since July 19, 2023, as marked on the page.

Last week, iFixit announced that it is parting ways with Samsung because the company "does not seem interested in enabling repair at scale."

A recent report from 404 Media found that Samsung requires independent repair shops to give them the name, contact information, phone identifier, and customer complaint details of everyone who gets their phone repaired at these shops.

It also requires these nominally independent shops to 'immediately disassemble' any phones that customers have brought them that have been previously repaired with aftermarket or third-party parts and to 'immediately notify' Samsung that the customer has used third-party parts.

Last modified on 04 June 2024
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