Published in PC Hardware

AMD to continue with Triple cores

by on01 July 2010

The strategy for 2011
We had a chance to take a look at some of AMD's future plans and we can confirm that the company plans to continue selling Triple cores, at least until some point in 2011.

There are quite a few reasons - in simple sales language, three are better than two. Furthermore, three cores are quite popular for the fact that many motherboards allow you to simply unlock the forth core, which is a nice bonus. Therefore, people are buying three core CPUs and simply unlocking the last disabled core.

Intel doesn’t care about three core CPUs and it stays away from it, but both companies are quite enthusiastic about its six core offer - apparently six cores are ok, despite the fact that you will use all six cores only on extremely rare occasions. Of course we are talking about desktop users as server and workstation guys usually need as many cores as they can get.

The future of CPUs is quite boring to be honest, it's simply "the more the merrier" as 2011 is set to bring many eight cores to the desktop market. The good thing about this is that 2011's eight cores will actually come with more efficient 32nm cores from both camps, AMD and Intel. This might make them more attractive, but four cores should be enough for just about 99 percent of the normal usage.

We cannot confirm that there will be a three core Bulldozer based CPU, but the quad core Bulldozer is in plans, which makes the triple core quite possible and highly likely. It will be a management / sales decision as from technical side, Bulldozer can be a three core, just like any other quad core.

Last modified on 01 July 2010
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