Published in PC Hardware

Intel dumps Galileo, Joule, and Edison

by on20 June 2017

No reason why

Chipzilla has pulled the plung on its Galileo, Joule, and Edison development boards.

The chip maker quietly made the announcement and few people have actually noticed.

The company said that shipment of all Intel Galileo product skus ordered before the last order date will continue to be available from Intel until December 16, 2017.

Intel will discontinue manufacturing and selling all skus of the Intel Joule Compute Modules and Developer Kits - known as the Intel 500 Series compute modules in the People's Republic of China.

Shipment of all Intel Joule products SKUs ordered before the last order date will continue to be available from Intel until December 16, 2017.

Last time orders for any Intel Joule products must be placed with Intel by September 16, 2017.

Intel will discontinue manufacturing and selling all SKUs of the Intel Edison compute modules and developer kits. Shipment of all Intel Edison product skus ordered before the last order date will continue to be available from Intel until December 16, 2017.

Last time orders for any Intel Edison products must be placed with Intel by September 16, 2017. All orders placed with Intel for Intel Edison products are non-cancellable and non-returnable after September 16, 2017.

The company has not explained the reasoning why the boards got the death penalty. Intel launched the Galileo, an Arduino-compatible minicomputer in 2013, the Edison in 2014, and the Joule last year.

The company touted the Galileo as part of Intel’s internet of things cunning plans for a while.

Last modified on 24 April 2018
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