Samsung joins RISC-V Software Ecosystem
Published in News
Thursday, 01 June 2023 11:16

Samsung joins RISC-V Software Ecosystem

May the road Rise with you

Samsung Electronics has announced that it has joined RISE (RISC-V Software Ecosystem), an open-source software development project to build and develop an advanced semiconductor ecosystem.

Chromecast 1 is retired
Published in News
Thursday, 01 June 2023 09:50

Chromecast 1 is retired

Google's first successful bit of hardware

After ten years of service, Google is retiring its decade-old Chromecast 1.

Google told to pay Sonos $32.5 million
Published in News

Stole its ideas

Google has been ordered to pay Sonos $32.5 million after a jury verdict found that Google's smart speakers and media players infringed on one of Sonos' patents.

Google pays to make privacy case go away
Published in News

Writes $39.9 million cheque

Google will pay Washington State $39.9 million to resolve a lawsuit accusing the Alphabet unit of misleading consumers about its location tracking practices.

Chrome will start to guess your URLs
Published in News
Monday, 22 May 2023 09:51

Chrome will start to guess your URLs

I think you meant who_represents, the show biz site and not whorepresents 

Google Chrome will now check for typos in your URLs and display suggested websites based on what it thinks you meant.

Google might replace third party cookies
Published in News

Don’t get your hopes up

Google's Privacy Sandbox aims to replace third-party cookies with a more privacy-conscious approach, allowing users to manage their interests and grouping them into cohorts based on similar browsing patterns.

Supremes save big tech’s bacon
Published in News
Friday, 19 May 2023 11:30

Supremes save big tech’s bacon

Recommending terrorist content does not make you liable

Big Tech is sighing in relief after the US Supreme Court has declined to consider reinterpreting foundational Internet law Section 230.

Telcos wants Big Tech help to pay for 5G upgrades
Published in Network

Want EU to make it happen

Big tech companies accounting for more than five per cent of a telecoms provider's peak average internet traffic should help fund the rollout of 5G and broadband across Europe, according to a draft proposal by the telecoms industry. 

Pixels might double as dash cams
Published in News
Thursday, 18 May 2023 10:35

Pixels might double as dash cams

Accidental reveal 

Google mistakenly released a test version of its Personal Safety app that includes a new feature called "Dashcam" on select Android devices.

Samsung to benefit from Apple hoarding
Published in PC Hardware
Tuesday, 16 May 2023 11:43

Samsung to benefit from Apple hoarding

3nm processing wars

Samsung’s bottom line might get a boost from the fruity cargo-cult Apple’s decision to stick all its 3nm processing in TMSC’s basket.