Canadian ISPs no longer have to pass on Big Content threats to pirates
Copyright trolls abused the whole process
ISPs don’t have to pass along the millions of notices of alleged copyright infringement that demand payment, according to a new amendment to the Canadian Copyright Act.

Congress overturns Obama-era Internet privacy protections
All customer generated web traffic is now accessible to advertisement firms
On Tuesday, the US House of Representatives voted to wipe away the Obama-era FCC’s landmark Internet privacy protections that limited what ISPs could do with information such as customer browsing habits, app usage history, location data, and social security numbers.

ISPs less interested in buying servers
Expanded too much
Top ISPs like Google, Amazon, Microsoft and Facebook have stopped buying so many servers after they found their data centres are packed with too many that they don't need.
ISPs warn 1.3 million “pirates”
Six strikes working then
ISPs must block Pirate Bay

Antwerp court rules