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US's spying obsession could cost it EU business
Published in News
Wednesday, 23 September 2015 12:24

US's spying obsession could cost it EU business

Technology companies could be shut out

An advisor to the European Court of Justice, Yves Bot has declared that the "safe harbour" agreement for transferring data between the US and EU is "invalid," because of concerns over US spying.

Cisco fixes  three security holes
Published in News
Monday, 29 June 2015 11:29

Cisco fixes three security holes

Allow US government snooping

Cisco has released a security advisory warning of SSH problems in three of its enterprise products which sound to us like a jolly good way for US spooks to snuffle corporate data.

NSA wanted to hijack the Android store
Published in News

Infect it with Malware

Spooks from all over the world had a cunning plan to crack open apps in the Android Store and infect them with spying malware and launch man in the middle attacks on users..

Assange grassed Snowden to the NSA
Published in News
Wednesday, 15 April 2015 11:44

Assange grassed Snowden to the NSA

Don't look at him, Look at me 

Wikileaks boss Julian Assange complicated Edward Snowden's escape from Russia by tipping off the NSA with a false rumour about the Bolivian President.

Snowden hobbled terrorist communications
Published in News
Wednesday, 08 April 2015 14:00

Snowden hobbled terrorist communications

Fear sent them back to the dark ages

While the NSA and others have done their best to paint the Edward Snowden leaks as being good for the terrorists, it turns out they have been the exact opposite. The terrorists are so frightened of US monitoring, that they have been forced to rely on slow and outdated communications technology.

CIA hacked iPhone a year before its release
Published in Mobiles

Trivial security

Apple's iPhone encryption system was so easy, the CIA and FBI had cracked it a year before the shiny toy hit the shops. 

US Government official sues journalists over Snowden
Published in News

Free speech helps "foreign enemies"

A US government official has decided to sue the makers of an Oscar-contending documentary about Edward Snowden. 

Friday, 19 September 2014 12:24

Snowden’s leaks did not help terrorists

They already knew they were being spied on

Wednesday, 17 September 2014 11:51

Snowden chucks bomb into Kiwi elections

Helping Kim Dotcom

Thursday, 14 August 2014 12:17

US switched off Syrian Internet

Snowden's latest claim