Behold the latest iPhone’s photographic ability
In the hands of a master
Everyone knows that the iPhone takes superior pictures even to every other mobile phone out there even when an idiot is behind the lens because the Tame Apple Press tells us. So what happens when the Superbowl is recorded on an iPhone by Apple’s supremo – Tim Cook.

Apple’s security takes another hit
Revolving door gatekeeper
While the fruity cargo cult Apple is busy bricking users for the crime of not using its genii to fix its overpriced toys, its reputation as being super secure is taking another battering.

Cook defends Quasimodo case
Don’t call it a hump call it a noteable feature
Fruity cargo-cult leader CEO Tim Cook is defending forcing Apple fanboys to buy an ugly Quasimodo case if they want their iPhones to have a half decent battery life.

Dell mocks Cook’s PC doom-saying
The “post-pc” era has been good for the PC
Tin-box shifter Michael Dell mocked the prophecy of the Grand mufti of the Apple Cargo cult, Tim Cook who insisted that the PC was on its way out.

Apple blasts Hollywood Heresy
Steve Jobs was nice really
Apple is having a huge problem with the image of its dead former CEO Steve Jobs.

Apple spends a fortune protecting Cook
From what?
Fruity cargo cult Apple is so terrified that something bad will happen to its leader Tim Cook that it spends nearly $700,000 to protect him.

Tim Cook is better than Steve Jobs
Wall Street speaks heresy
A top Wall Street money man Julian Robertson has committed religious heresy against the Apple Cult by claiming that its latest CEO Tim Cook was actually better than its mystical fruity founder Steve Jobs.

Tim Cook slams rivals over privacy
We would never spy on our users
Apple CEO Tim Cook has slammed his Silicon Valley chums of selling out their users and customers to the NSA and advertisers.