Iran’s fear of breasts broke the internet in Hong Kong
World swept into Iran’s battle with the Bazongas
Iran has a big problem with female breasts and one day decided that people on the internet should not be allowed to view them.

McAfee claims Iran hacked the Democrats
And North Korea did DYN
Colourful internet character John McAfee claims that Iran, and not Russia, hacked the Democratic National Committee.

Iranian cyberwar is a US right wing myth
Which is a female moth
Claims that Iran has been conducting a cyberwar against the United States have been greatly exaggerated by US conservatives.
Iran lifts Facebook, Twitter bans
Tweet the Casbah
US sets up a virtual embassy in Iran
Expect virtual embassy crisis with virtual hostages
Iran bans Battlefield 3
Youth petitions for it
Iranian hacker admits stealing digital security certificates

Acted alone miffed at Stuxnet
Israel and US behind Stuxnet

German claims he is certain
Iranian lifeline to world cut

Security fears