Published in
Monday, 13 May 2024 10:50
Baidu fired PR boss for bad PR
Bragging about treating your staff as slaves is not a good look these days
Baidu's PR boss's controversial actions initially garnered her a significant following but have now led to her dismissal.

Published in
Thursday, 08 October 2015 13:22
Apple goes on offensive over Steve Jobs movie
Apple and its chums on the Tame Apple Press are doing their level best to rubbish the next Steve Jobs flick which portrays him as a megalomaniac, spin merchant who really was no technical genius.

Published in
Wednesday, 10 June 2015 16:15
Huawei scores own goal
Chinese PR makes it look evil again
Huawei has done a great job of convincing many that it is the underdog in the great spying row with the US and that it is really not a secretive outfit which is secretly spying on Western powers.