Asustek is doing well
Back to black
Asustek has reported net profits of $187.75 million for the third quarter of 2016, up 45 percent on the last quarter and 42 percent on last year. This could be a sign that the bad-old-days of poor PC sales are fading.

Xiaomi Notebook 12 is now €458.63
$509.99 for 1.07 KG Skylake notebook
You've got to love "singles day" and even if you are not single, you will be able to enjoy many sale prices form shops such as Gearbest.

HTC sold just 140,000 Vive VRs
Slowly ramping up
HTC cannot get a break in the phone market and it looks like the Vive VR, the outfit's over-priced VR kit, sold 140,000 pieces in August and September.

Apple tanks
Apple sees first sales decline since 2001
The shine has finally come off the tax-dodging fruity cargo cult Apple and no amount of spinning is saving it.

Microsoft calls in the axeman again
More cost cutting coming
Software King of the world Microsoft is planning to lay off 2,850 more employees in the next year, according to a filing it just made with the US Securities and Exchange Commission.

Gartner says smartphone sales will fall dramatically
That bubble has burst now
After sliding its slide-rules, flicking its abacus, and counting its toes, the beancounters at Gartner have decided that the smartphone business bubble has burst splattering in the face of those who depend on it.

HTC sales drop down the loo
Reporting miserable results
HTC is having a pretty terrrible day after having to report a dismile quarter with falling sales.

Global semiconductor sales go up
First improvement in five months
Global semiconductor sales saw a slight increase in March for the first time in five months.

100K Meizu M3 Notes sold in seven minutes
More arriving in few days
Meizu M3 Note is a great deal for 799 Yen (109.85 EUR or $123 USD) and the sales in China proved that. Meizu managed to sell 100,000 phones within seven minutes.

Global server sales growing
New report good news for Taiwan
Worldwide server shipments are on the rise with a spin off effect on motherboards, servers, storage and related network equipment makers.