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Google is copying Microsoft’s recall feature
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It will be in Chromebooks too

Google's ChromeOS boss John Solomon revealed that the company is cautiously exploring a Recall-like feature for Chromebooks, which they've dubbed 'memory.'

UK forbids export of Quantum Computers
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Experts puzzled

The UK government's recent export restrictions on quantum devices have left quantum computing experts scratching their heads. According to insiders, these restrictions are nonsensical and lack clarity.

TikTok becomes fake news battleground in UK election
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Mostly targeting younger voters

TikTok has become a crucial new arena for social media campaigning in the upcoming election, and the site has become saturated with fake news.

Qualcomm wants its new chips in PCs
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Today laptops, tomorrow the world

Qualcomm has confirmed that while Snapdragon X Plus or X Elite chips have been headed towards laptops that is just part one of its cunning plan.  

Boeing's Starliner soars
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But helium leaks no laughing matter

Boeing's Starliner has successfully launched into space after a series of setbacks and carried two brave NASA astronauts to the International Space Station from Florida.