World in Conflict
The HD 5850 runs on par with the GTX 285 but it seems to lose whenever AA and AF filters are turned on. It snatches its first win at 2560x1600 but only by 2 frames, only to lose again when AA and AF come into play.
At 1680x1050 and no filters on, the XFX HD5750 beats the HD4850 512MB, the HD4770 512MB and the 9800GT 512MB but loses to Muskin's HD 4850 OC. Unfortunately, while it ran on par with Mushkin's overclocked 4850 and again outscored the aforementioned cards, the frame count in higher resolutions was below what is considered playable.
The HD5770 loses to HD 4870 but only by a couple of frames, and the worst case scenario loss is only 8 frames, which isn't too shabby.

HAWX sees the HD 5850 doing well versus the GTX 285, and while lower tested resolutions resulted in an almost identical performance, the performance gap became more evident with higher resolutions and antialiasing. At 2560x1600, the HD 5850 scrapes away a win by mere two frames, but turning on antialiasing sees the GTX 285's performance drop significantly, and the HD 5850 wins by as much as 47%.
While the HD 5750 runs in a tight pack with the reference HD 4850, Mushkin's HD 4850 OC and the HD 4770, it loses or runs on par with the reference HD 4850 all until the final resolution, which didn't matter much as it scored 29fps. Mushkin's OCed HD 4850 seems to take the cake in this one.
The 5770 lags behind the HD 4870 from 6% to 23% at all the tested resolutions, while the lowest performance difference was recorded at 2560x1600, where the HD 5770 ran about 7% slower.
The only spec differences are a reduced shader count of 1440 (minus 10%), reduced clocks of 725 MHz core (-15%) and 1000 MHz memory (-17%). As a result the card is roughly 15% slower than the HD 5870, but costs over 40% less, making it an ideal candidate for the price/performance aware user.