FCC spinning like crazy on DDoS attack
Published in News
Monday, 24 July 2017 11:11

FCC spinning like crazy on DDoS attack

Regulator is not providing the paperwork

The US FCC is acting suspiciously over a DDoS attack which apparently forced it to shut down its net neutrality comment system in May.

How the US government killed off mobile phones
Published in Mobiles

We could have had the first 72 years ago

The world could have had mobile phones more than 40 years ago but the concept was killed off by the US government which considered them too niche and refused to give out any spectrum.

Republicans back mobile message spam
Published in News
Wednesday, 24 May 2017 12:26

Republicans back mobile message spam

It is what the corporates want

As part of making America Great again, the Republicans are sponsoring a bill which will allow corporations to leave sales messages on your mobile phone.

FCC refuses to provide proof of hack
Published in News
Monday, 22 May 2017 11:02

FCC refuses to provide proof of hack

Did it even happen?

The FCC is getting a bit of bad press for refusing to reveal details of an alleged DDoS hack which caused its site to crash.

FCC blames John Oliver for “hack”
Published in News
Tuesday, 09 May 2017 11:57

FCC blames John Oliver for “hack”

Kill the comics

Not happy with trying to censor comics who make jokes at Donald Trump’s expense, the FCC is now wading into Late Night telly host John Oliver for leading a campaign against its net neutrality rules.

Cisco and Oracle cheer the end of net-neutrality in the US
Published in News

If these guys want it you know it must be good

Oracle announced its support for FCC Chairman Ajit Pai's controversial plan to roll back the agency's net neutrality rules.

US tech startups fear FCC will kill them off
Published in News

End of Net Neutrality means end of us

More than 800 startups have written to the FCC chairman Ajit Pai saying they are "deeply concerned" about his decision to kill net neutrality.

Congress overturns Obama-era Internet privacy protections
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All customer generated web traffic is now accessible to advertisement firms

On Tuesday, the US House of Representatives voted to wipe away the Obama-era FCC’s landmark Internet privacy protections that limited what ISPs could do with information such as customer browsing habits, app usage history, location data, and social security numbers.

US FCC cancels broadband subsidies for poor people
Published in News

Let them eat cake

All those poor US people on the breadline who voted for Donald (Prince of Orange) Trump might be a little surprised to find their internet subsidy cut off.

FCC will allow ISPs to flog customer’s private data
Published in News

Republicans want to sell your private data to spammers

While the rest of the world is cracking down on user data privacy, Donald (Prince of Orange) Trump’s America is allowing ISPs to flog their customers' personal data to advertisers and anyone who can write a cheque.