FCC now lets Americans use their own cable set-top boxes
Published in News

A powerful win for the free market economics

In a sweeping change of course directed at a tightly controlled television industry, cable and satellite operators in the United States will now be obligated to let their customers freely choose which set-top boxes they can use, according to a proposal announced by the Federal Communications Commission on Wednesday.

Comcast faces off with the FCC again
Published in News
Monday, 16 March 2015 16:33

Comcast faces off with the FCC again

Big purchase on hold

US telco Comcast is once again trying to show the US telecoms watchdog the FCC that it is a toothless wonder.

Come up with net neutrality laws you lazy gits

Monday, 16 June 2014 11:58

FCC steps into Verizon and Netflix row

This will end badly for Netflix

Surprised that people think otherwise

Monday, 09 September 2013 14:48

Tegra 4 Tab shows up at FCC

Still with mediocre 7-inch 1280x800 screen

Friday, 06 September 2013 09:54

Nexus 5 specs revealed in FCC filing

5-inch screen, LTE, Qualcomm 800

Wednesday, 01 May 2013 09:50

Obama gives FCC to cable industry

Lobbyist tapped to become regulator

Thursday, 15 March 2012 09:28

HSPA+ & LTE PlayBooks pass through FCC

rim logo

Should arrive in late May or early June


Launching later this month