BF4 servers get upgrades
Attempt to fix rubber banding issue
BF4 rubber-banding issue will be fixed
DICE promises to make it happen
Catalyst 14.1 Beta lands with Mantle support in tow
Plenty of performance gains
DICE releases BF4 Mantle performance numbers
14 to 58 percent uplift
Mantle should help 270X cards become more attractive
APUs as well
Xbox One gets BF4 update ahead of schedule
Possible downtime while the update is deployed
More patches coming to BF4
PC & PS4 now, others later
MSI Radeon R9 cards get BF4 bundle
Five cards eligible
DICE halts everything to fix Battlefield 4
All hands on deck to deal with the issues
XFX gives Battlefield 4 to 270X, 270 owners
Including those that already purchased these cards