Apple in hot water
Published in News
14 February 2024

Apple in hot water

Beeper Mini fiasco bubbles up again

Republican Commissioner Brendan Carr is demanding the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) probe into Apple’s swift shutdown of Beeper Mini, the cheeky app that dared to bring iMessage to Android.

Cloudflare beats Sable in patent war
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Patent war over 

Cloudflare has beaten Sable networks in a court battle over patents owned by the defunct “flow-based router” firm, Caspian Networks. 

Nvidia’s big cheese pokes fun at OpenAI’s price tag
Published in News

Handbags at dawn 

In a cheeky jibe at the World Governments Summit in Dubai, Nvidia’s head honcho, Huang, had a right laugh when asked how many GPU chips one could nab with a few trillion quid.

Apple escapes EU regulation on iMessenger
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EU believes that no one sane uses it 

Fruity cargo cult Apple has escaped a crackdown by the EU over its iMessage service, believing that the product is not a serious rival for anyone.

Mozzarella Foundation fires more of its Pandas
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But don’t worry the senior management jobs are safe

Less than a week after naming Laura Chambers as interim CEO, Firefox's maker Mozilla said it is cutting about 60 jobs or five per cent of its red pandas.

Nvidia’s CUDA faces a worthy foe
Published in Graphics

AMD’s stealthy gambit

AMD has made a significant move in the world of GPU software development by introducing a solution that bridges the gap between its ROCm technology and NVIDIA’s CUDA binaries.

Web Monetisation is a go
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Micro-Payments being prepared on Chrome

The Chromium team is prototyping Web Monetization—the secret sauce that could have websites dancing to a new tune.

Nothing schedules new "Fresh Eyes" event for March 5
Published in Mobiles

Nothing Phone (2a) incoming

Nothing has scheduled an announcement event, named Fresh Eyes, for its upcoming new Nothing Phone (2a) for Tuesday, March 5th.

Nvidia releases Geforce 551.52 WHQL Game Ready driver
Published in Graphics

One to have for Skull and Bones game

Nvidia has released its latest Geforce 551.52 WHQL Game Ready driver which brings optimizations for the new Skull and Bones game, as well as fixes some issues.

Microsoft vows to keep building Xboxes
Published in Gaming

Ignore the rumours, Vole wants to reach another level

Microsoft has promised its staff that it has no plans to stop making consoles, amid growing speculation about the future of Xbox, its exclusives, and its status as a hardware maker.