More workers want to leave their current job
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Worse than the "Great Resignation" of '22

A recent survey by PwC of the global workforce indicates that the percentage of employees planning to change employers in the next 12 months surpasses that of the "Great Resignation" period of 2022.

Toys "R" Us uses Sora to create brand video
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Video without actors

Toys "R" Us has teamed up with advertising agency Native Foreign to produce what it describes as "the first-ever brand film using OpenAI's new text-to-video tool, Sora.

Apple slams the brakes on a large construction project
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Things might not be so good behind the walled garden

The fruity cargo cult Apple appears to be suddenly cautious about its expansion plans and slammed the brakes on a huge development project.  

Microsoft-owned company blamed for data leak
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Nuance fired an employee who kept his passwords

American healthcare provider Geisinger fears highly personal data on more than a million of its patients has been stolen, and it thinks a former employee at a Microsoft subsidiary is the likely culprit.

TSMC's building third 2nm fab
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Because men have fabs, real men build them on toxic waste sites

The Kaohsiung city government has blessed a Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. project to build a third 2nm fab.

Musk’s tin turkey recalled again
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Fourth time now

Since its grand debut late last year, Tesla has once again summoned its Cybertruck back to the garage for what will be the fourth recall for the stainless steel-clad behemoth. 

Telegram brags it only has ‘about 30 engineers’
Published in Mobiles

Security experts say that’s a red flag

Telegram’s founder, Pavel Durov bragged to right-wing "personality" Tucker Carlson that he is the only product manager at the company and that he employs only “about 30 engineers.”

Microsoft faces EU Antitrust scrutiny over Teams and Office
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It is abusive

The European Union has scrutinised the software king of the world Microsoft, alleging antitrust violations stemming from what it deems an "abusive" bundling practice.

Korean ISP KT in malware controversy
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Distributed malware to disrupt torrenting

Korean Internet provider KT has been accused of distributing malware to its customers to slow down and block torrenting on its networks.

Boffins come up with a better AI model
Published in AI

It gets rid of all that matrix multiplication

Boffins from UC Santa Cruz, UC Davis, LuxiTech, and Soochow University have developed a new method for running AI language models more efficiently: eliminating matrix multiplication.