Microsoft reveals its security improvements
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Reforms after cybersecurity breaches

Microsoft provided new details about its security initiatives less than five months after CEO Satya Nadella and security leader Charlie Bell outlined a series of reforms to address cybersecurity breaches and said the company would make security its top priority.

Amazon, Meta, and Tesla are enemies of democracy
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At least according to the International Trade Union Confederation

Amazon, Meta, and Tesla were named by the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) as some of the worst corporate underminers of democracy.

Kaspersky finds new strain of Google Play malware
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Necro back from the dead

Five years ago, Kaspersky researchers found a legitimate Android app in the Google Play market had been made malicious by a library the developers used to earn advertising revenue.

Start-up launches another form of sauce
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Who needs open source

A $3 billion startup has decided to enter the fray with a new licensing idea that they claim will bridge the chasm between the open and proprietary worlds.

Qualcomm approached Chipzilla with a take-over offer
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Yes really

The Wall Street Journal has claimed that Qualcomm "made a takeover approach" to Intel, which has a market value of roughly $90 billion.

AI chips will become less GPUish
Published in AI

More AI standard

Graphics processing units so far have dominated the bulk of training and running large-scale AI models, but that could be set to change.

AI PCs to make 60 per cent of PC sales in 2027
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Three times more than this year

The surging demand for AI-driven applications has boosted the popularity of AI PCs, both in consumer and professional sectors. This trend is expected to continue in the following years, with AI PC gaining a much more significant market share than this year.

Aging computers and poor networks are slowing down UK’s cheap green power
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So Brits will have it expensive

The UK is being cheated out of cheap green power because the National Grid says its ageing computer systems and an outdated electricity network prevent it from using batteries designed to deliver cheap green power.

Ive been building hardware for OpenAI
Published in Mobiles

A stealth product in the works

Sir Jony Ive, the man who designed most of Apple’s gear, has confirmed that he is working on a stealth hardware product with OpenAI.

Lucky teams up with Microsoft on military headsets
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Gives soldiers live data feeds

Tech wunderkind Palmer Luckey, who flogged Oculus to Meta for a tidy $2 billion, is now back in the headset game. This time, he's teamed up with Microsoft to jazz up the United States Army's mixed-reality headsets.