US watchdog probes Microsoft, Google and Amazon's AI investments 
Published in AI

Concerns about investing in rivals

A US watchdog is snuffling around the billions of dollars that Microsoft, Google and Amazon have splashed on rival AI startups OpenAI and Anthropic.

ASUS teams up with Quividi for its ASUS NUC lineup
Published in News

Giving it access to important market segment

ASUS and its ASUS IoT team have announced a new strategic partnership with Quividi, which will allow the integration of Quividi's advanced audience measurement solutions into the range of ASUS NUCs and ASUS IoT Tinker Board-based digital signage solutions.

Intel’s shares plunge after dismal forecast
Published in News

AI disaster

Chipzilla stock fell more than 10 per cent in premarket trade on Friday after the chipmaker reported fourth-quarter results that topped estimates but offered an outlook for the current quarter that came in below expectations.

Intel's new 101.5234 WHQL brings impressive performance improvements
Published in Graphics

Intel driver team is on a roll

Intel has released the latest version of its Intel Arc and Iris Xe Graphics driver, bringing impressive performance improvements of up to 268 percent in games for both Intel Arc A-series graphics cards as well as Intel Core Ultra CPUs with Intel Arc Graphics. The new driver is also the Game On driver for new games like Enshrouded, Tekken 8, strangely popular Palworld, and other new titles, and it also fixes some previously noted issues.

Musk's daft claim
Published in News
26 January 2024

Musk's daft claim

X could have stopped the Holocaust

X CEO Elon [look at me] Musk has claimed that social media could have prevented the Holocaust, and it would have been difficult to hide it if there had been freedom of speech.

SK Hynix is back in black
Published in News

The tech giant makes a profit after a year of losses thanks to AI

The world's second-largest memory chip maker, South Korea's SK Hynix, said it had returned to profit after four consecutive quarters of losses driven by demand for chips used in artificial intelligence.

HPE hacked by Putin's Cozy Bears
Published in News

Corporate email boxes hit

A Russia-based threat actor known as “Cozy Bear” or “Midnight Blizzard” has nicked some of HPE’s corporate mailboxes, the company confessed in a Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filing.

Boeing plane loses a wheel as it tries to take off from Atlanta
Published in News

Who needs wheels when you can fly?

According to the Federal Aviation Administration, a Boeing 757 plane operated by Delta Air Lines lost a nose wheel as it prepared to take off from Atlanta's main airport.

Lost in translation
Published in News
25 January 2024

Lost in translation

Tech experts warn of dodgy translations ruining the internet

A shocking amount of the Web is machine-translated, which could ruin any hopes for sensible AI databases.

NVIDIA launches new feature to make cat videos look less rubbish
Published in Gaming

For RTX GPU owners 

Nvidia is launching a new feature for all RTX GPU owners today -- RTX Video HDR.