The Razer Hydra uses magnetic motion sensing and come bundled with a compact base station that can precisely track the exact location and orientation of controllers. Razer is promising ultra-low latency in order to get the most fluid and precise game experience ever. The controller itself features an analog stick, four Hyperresponse buttons and rapid-fire trigger. In case you've been wondering, the controller is not wireless, probably in order to keep the latency as low as possible.
The Hydra will be ready and selling in June and will be currently only available as a bundle with two controllers, a base station and a copy of Valve's Portal 2 game, all for €140/US $140. Razer promises that Hydra will be optimized with over 125 PC titles one it hits the retail shelves.
In case you are interested, Joystiq site did a nice hands-on with the device and you can check out some of the game previews here.