Published in News

RIM developing media box?

by on01 July 2011


Is RIM looking at new market spaces?
BlackBerry is said to be looking at the possibility of introducing a new “BlackBerry Media Box” that is based off the hardware technology in the PlayBook combined with the QNX OS. The device is comparable to the Apple TV or perhaps the additional features that a device such as the Roku has. The offering would be closer to a cross of something akin to the Apple TV and the BlackBerry Presenter.

If true, the device is apparently focused at businesses, and will lack many of the consumer features that you might normally associate with a product like this. It is likely, however, that the device will focus on portability and will offer at least some 3rd party content to make it a good traveling companion.

We suspect that if RIM is looking at something such as this it could be nothing more than prototypes that the company is using to talk to buyers to see what they think of the concept, and to see if this is something that they think might sell. Depending on the size, features, ease of use, what kind of content it offers, and what you can do with it may or may not be a success. Given the situation, we expect that RIM is looking at every possible revenue source to exploit for product and revenue growth.

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