Published in News

Siri abuses a 12 year-old

by on03 January 2012


Jobs Mob tells him to shut up

Apple's relationship with its users is somewhat abusive at the best of times but it seems that its Siri is taking the thing to a whole new level. A 12 year old boy's mother failed to see the funny side when Siri running on a demo model iPhone told her precious snowflake to “shut the F*** up, you ugly tit.”

According to the Sun newspaper Charlie Le Quesne only asked the iPhone 4S how many people were there in the world. Tesco thought that someone had changed the user name on the phone to “shut the F*** up, you ugly tit.” and whenever Siri looked for a use name it just parroted what it was told.

However Siri only very occasionally says the user's name and does not, from what we've seen, actually speak the owner's name. It looks like that it might have been a bit more serious than user name change.

Tesco reportedly announced that the retailer had launched an investigation and that the phone would be going back to Apple for 'diagnostics.'
Of course it is possible that Le Quesne could have said something to the phone like “Steve Jobs is not as intelligent as Steve Ballmer” and triggered a Tourettes meltdown from the software.

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