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Watchmakers hit back against wearables

by on25 November 2014

Stealing our designs

It seems that watchmakers are not happy with one trend in wearable computers which is to make portable computers or phones look like watches. 

Mondaine, Michael Kors, Omega, and other big name watch brands have all issued takedown requests in the past few month. One of the most litigious watchmakers is Richemont, the company behind Cartier and Panerai, which is issuing notices against watch face websites citing breach of trademark rights. Site owners are given 24 hours to remove the infringing content before further action is taken.

Digital smartwatches make swapping watch faces as simple as making a few clicks in an app so it is a doddle to mimic a big-name brand. This is not the first time a watchmaker maker has sued over a tech company stealing its ideas. Mondaine sued Apple for stealing one of its designs in iOS 6, forcing the smartphone maker to pay a reported $21 million in licensing fees. 

So far, it appears most watch face websites are conforming to any takedown requests. Who knows perhaps IT watch designers will come up with something original.

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