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Is Huawei-US detente a mission impossible?

by on19 September 2019

Or just a mission improbable

Sources at the Advance Intelligence conference in Shanghai tell Fudzilla that it is still making overtures to the USA and that behind the scenes some little progress is being made.

One source said: “No mission is impossible”, implying frustration on Huawei's behalf that it is encountering stumbling blocks betray ignorance of the technology and its significance at the highest level in the USA administration on the technology.

Last week it was reported that Huawai is willing to license its technology to the USA, and would provide access to its tech to allay any security concerns that the USA might have. Another source expressed his frustration at the inability of the US administration to realise the economic and technology importance of 5G to its future.

The UK government has still to decide whether to bow under pressure from the USA to follow its lead. But the UK government has other things on its mind with a no-deal Brexit looming and it's entirely possible that any decision will be deferred.

Ken Hu, a senior executive at Huawei, reacted directly to a question at a press conference about licensing tech to the USA. He said security concerns are without any grounds, they're just suspicions. He added that it would be preferable that the US took a commercial approach, given the importance of 5G.


Last modified on 19 September 2019
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