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Apple surrenders on right-to-repair

by on24 August 2023

We will now support it

Fruity cargo cult Apple has told a California legislator that it is formally supporting a right-to-repair bill after fighting it tooth and nail for ages.

The move suggests big tech manufacturers understand they have lost the battle to monopolise repair, and need to allow consumers and independent repair shops to fix their electronics.

"Apple writes in support of SB 244, and urges members of the California legislature to pass the bill as currently drafted," Apple wrote to Susan Eggman, the sponsor of the bill, in a letter obtained by 404 Media.

Apple said that it supported SB 244 because it includes requirements that protect individual users' safety and security and product manufacturers' intellectual property.

“We will continue to support the bill, so long as it continues to provide protections for customers and innovators," Apple said.

PIRG Campaign for the Right to Repair Senior Director Nathan Proctor said that if California votes yes and continues to raise the bar on electronics repair from other states, it's becoming obvious the fight is over.

"It's going to be show over for consumer electronics. There are other industries where this fight is going to continue, but if a strong bill passes in California, we're winning."

He said: "I would think that passage in California means there'd be a lot of pressure on manufacturers to kind of set the line there and say 'no farther,' because we've now proven to them we can pass laws and change the ways they have to operate."

Last modified on 24 August 2023
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