The outfit has decided to put adverts into the screen savers for its TVs and while it told potential advertisers a month ago, it does not appear to have said the people who paid money for their LG tellies.
LG TV owners may have already spotted the ads or learned about them via FlatpanelsHD, which today reported seeing a full-screen ad on the screensaver for LG's latest flagship TV, the G4.
“The ad appeared before the conventional screensaver kicks in," per the website, “and was localised to the region the TV was set to.”
If you are in Italy, you will suffer from some of the worst advertising in the world. It is dominated by middle-aged men who think they are funny and shout stuff until you turn the TV off.
While the ads are on by default, you can disable them in the TVs' settings, but the whole point of screen savers was help integrate the TV into a person’s space, not have it shout “shave like a Bomber” (no we don’t know what it means either).
In a statement, LG AD Solutions CTO Dave Rudnick acknowledged that people whose TVs are showing screensavers are often trying to do something other than look at adverts.
“In the past, a screensaver ad might have indicated that viewers had left the room, but today’s viewing habits are markedly different. Now, 93 percent of viewers multitask while watching TV, engaging in activities like messaging, shopping, browsing social media, or playing games on their phones."