Published in News

Silicon Knights bag grant money

by on13 April 2010


Canadian government to fund studio growth

Silicon Knights, who are the developers best known for Too Human, have been able to bag a grant from the Canadian Government to the tune of $4 million CDN to fund the growth, development and expansion of the studio. According to sources, as part of the deal, the studio will be expanding from about 100 employees to about 165 over the next five years. The grant is said to be helping the studio add those jobs.

This is not the first time that the Canadian government has worked with a studio. Most recently, the Canadians worked with Warner Bros Interactive, who will also be opening a new studio in Canada. Ubisoft will be expanding their development studio footprint in Canada, as well. The Canadians have been very aggressive in investing in the technology sector and software development in particular. Various Canadian governmental agencies have provided grants and funding to expand growth in the technology sector to generate jobs.

Last modified on 13 April 2010
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