Published in News

Opera gets accepted for iPad

by on13 April 2010


No longer need Safari

The glorious
Apple empire has agreed to embrace the Opera Internet browser for its iPhone and iPad. The move will open a new and potentially lucrative market which has been guarded by Apple and its army of loyal blackshirts and at the same time is the first time a rival browser has gotten access to iPhone.

The decision is out of character for Jobs' Mob. Its application store is the only way to distribute software for iPhone users and if Steve “Do what I wilt be the whole of the law” Jobs says you can't run an application on the gizmo it is so.

In fact Opera's browser shows Apple's Safari up as the asthmatic turtle that it is. It can download six times faster download speeds than Apple's Safari and to cut data traffic by up to 90 percent.

Some think that Apple is allowing Opera as a way of taking the pressure of operator networks.

Last modified on 13 April 2010
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