Google-Asus 7-inch tablet comes in May
It has been reported that Google's and Asus' co-branded tablet will hit the market in May. We already wrote about it here and it appears that the price point is right on the money.
So, the tablet should launch in May priced at $199-249. The tablet should run on Tegra 3 and is expected to take full advantage of Google's new Play Store. It's worth noting that the tablet is not aiming to compete with iPads, as is pretty clear from pricing alone, but rather Amazon's Kindle Fire. Asus declined to comment the reports.
Apparently, Google was looking for Taiwan-based partners at the end of 2011. HTC was among them but it insisted on directing development and wasn't keen on developing a cheap model for fear of its brand image. Acer lacked own R&D capability so Asus was picked for its ODM capability and quality of products.
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