Red Dead Redemption 2 gets a story trailer
A bit more details about the story behind the game
Rockstar Games has now officially released a new trailer for its upcoming Red Dead Redemption 2 game.

Rockstar dismisses Grand Theft Auto’s designer’s lawsuit
Claims it is “bizarre”
The bloke who claims to be behind the multimillion-selling Grand Theft Auto series is suing the publisher Rockstar for reneging on a 2009 royalties deal.

Rockstar's GTA V joins AMD Gaming Evolved program
Updated: Has Gaming Evolved features
Rockstar's Grand Theft Auto V for PC has finally launched, and AMD has announced that the game is part of its Gaming Evolved program.

AMD releases Catalyst 14.5 Beta drivers
Optimizations and Crossfire profile for GTA V
Following the launch of Rockstar's Grand Theft Auto V for PC, AMD has released its newest Catalyst 15.4 Beta drivers with all the game-specific optimizations as well as Crossfire profiles for that game.

GTA V for PC delayed, coming in April
Consoles get Online Heists next month
Bad news for all fans of blood, petrol and adrenaline – Rockstar has delayed the launch of Grand Theft Auto V for PC yet again.

45+ million sold for GTA 5
Only 10 million of those on Xbox One & PS4 consoles
When we talk about impressive sales numbers they are in the millions. When we talk about the sales of the big titles it in the tens of millions.

PC GTA 5 buyers can get a million of in-game cash
All you have to do is pre-order the PC version
Those who have been waiting for Grand Theft Auto 5 to finally get released on PC have a good reason to make sure that they pre-order. PC buyers of GTA 5 that pre-order the title by February 1st will get $1 million of in-game bonus cash, plus another $300,000 and a free game.

GTA 5 for PC delayed after all
Will be released on March 24th now
The continued rumors that we have been hearing the last couple of weeks about Grand Theft Auto 5 having its PC release delayed, has turned out to be true as confirmed by Rockstar.
Google settles with Rockstar
Apple’s proxy troll war
Rockstar confirms GTA 5 X1 & PS4 issues
Day one 1.4GB patch causing problems