IBM gets Gaudi 3 Enterprise AI to the Cloud
IBM is the Secret Sauce for Gaudi 3
In a surprise development, Intel announced that IBM plans to deploy Intel Gaudi 3 accelerators as a service in the IBM cloud to help enterprises scale AI. IBM is a huge business-oriented company; such a partnership goes a long way.

AMD schedules data center and AI technology event for June 13th
New products, and momentum across data center, AI, and HPC
AMD has announced its next in-person and live-streamed event that will focus on data center and AI technology for June 13th.

Mouse destroyed military clean room data centre
Never mind surface-to-air missiles beware of the mouse
A data centre at the centre of the UK's early attempts to build surface-to-air missiles was wiped out by a particularly hungry mouse.

Data centres go Jules Verne
20,000 leagues under the sea
The future of data centres might be underwater, according to a company which is planning to build them on the seabed of the Pacific ocean by the end of this year.

Raja Koduri shows off Xe HPC
Ready for power on 7nm, 10nm internal external
Raja Koduri of Intel has already talked a few times about the Xe HPC SoC codenamed Ponte Vecchio. Now Raja was happy to share that the Xe HPC is ready to power on.

AMD will most likely buy Xilinx
Data center strategy
It is impossible to get a comment from either AMD or Xilinx on this matter, but as far as we could ask around, AMD is going to attempt to buy Xilinx. The move will help the company’s data center strategy, and it is carefully targeted.

Nuvia Phoenix CPU is faster than all its ARM X86 competition
Datacenter power/performance leadership
We have reported that a hot new chip startup founded by ex-Apple and ex-Google engineer rock stars, got funded in the first round of financing with $53 million. Now, Nuvia is ready to share some preliminary performance and power numbers. Both power and performance are beating every mobile and server CPU core that exists on the market.

Xilinx announces two streaming server appliances
Real-Time Server Appliances for High-Quality, Low-Cost Live Video Streaming
Two things happened since March and the COVID-19 virus-induced crisis. Gaming grew, and streaming grew, among total internet use, teleconferencing, and home office explosion. Xilinx announced two real-time server appliances to offer high quality, low-cost live video streaming platform.

Xilinx reports fiscal Q42020 and FY2020 results
$3.16 billion, data center 22 percent revenue growth
The fiscal year 2020 (April 2019 to April 2020) was a challenging year for anyone trading with China due to the US government pressures on Huawei. Despite all these challenges, Xilinx managed to make $3.16 billion revenue or three percent higher, year over year.

How Intel helped you stay home
95 percent of the data center and most laptops
Intel is one of the silent heroes which enables your home office and makes sure your apps, wireless, data, remote computing, infrastructure, and your computer run your daily duties.