Apple's Arizona move might just be "marketing"
Published in News

Turns out it is sticking to the Far East after all

While the Tame Apple Press was singing how wonderful it was that Apple was going to be making its chips in America again, it turns out that they were just peddling marketing.

Apple looks to the US to provide it with chips
Published in PC Hardware
Wednesday, 16 November 2022 11:06

Apple looks to the US to provide it with chips

Steve Jobs spins in an unmarked grave

The fruity cargo cult Apple is so strapped for chips that it is thinking of having them made in the US.

MediaTek officially unveils the 4nm Dimensity 9200 SoC
Published in Mobiles

ARM Cortex-X3 prime core and Immortalis G715 GPU with hardware ray tracing

MediaTek has unveiled its latest flagship smartphone SoC, the Dimensity 9200. Built on TSMC 4nm (N4P) manufacturing process, this is also the first SoC to feature the ARM Cortex-X3 core based on ARMv9 architecture, as well as the new Immortalis-G715 GPU with hardware-based ray tracing.

Japanese serious about 2nm processing
Published in News
Tuesday, 08 November 2022 12:13

Japanese serious about 2nm processing

Spending $2.38 billion on research

Japan is spending $2.38 billion to build the joint research hub with the US on 2nm process technology.

Russia was on the way to having some pretty good Arm SoC
Published in News

And then Tsar Putin invaded Ukraine

Russian chip maker Baikal Electronics was halfway to having an SoC series from eight cores to 48 before Tsar Putin invaded Ukraine and crippled the entire industry.

Intel boss announces glorious five year plan
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Letter to staff contains a plan so cunning it used to be a professor of cunning at Oxford

Intel's Kicking CEO Pat Gelsinger has mapped out the next steps in his plan to get the company off life support and into rehab.

Taiwan’s spooks say that there is no need to blow up TSMC fabs
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Planning if China does a Russia on Taiwan

Taiwan spooks have said it would be unnecessary to destroy TSMC fabs if China invades.

TSMC saw profits rise 79.7 per cent over last year
Published in News

Downturn? What downturn?

TSMC said its quarterly profit rose 79.7 per cent over a year earlier to $8.8 billion amid surging demand.

Apple backtracks as TSMC tells it pay up or else
Published in PC Hardware


After a few decades of telling suppliers how much it will pay, and punishing them if they did not obey, the fruity cargo cult Apple has been forced by TSMC to pay a chip price it did not set.

TSMC ready for 3nm process launch in September
Published in News

Tame Apple Press claims fruity cargo cult will be the first to get it 

TSMC is on track to launch the much-awaited 3nm process node in September and mainstream media loyal to the fruity Apple cult insist that it will be its first 3nm customer.