Talk of an action-adventure Call of Duty title that was apparently in development or going to be developed by Sledgehammer Games is still apparently very much alive; but apparently are on the shelf for the time being. The developers at Sledgehammer are focused on working with Infinity Ward on Modern Warfare 3 right now, but that does not mean that they will not get back to working on the action-adventure COD project that Activision hopes will broaden the COD audience.
Back in March it was confirmed that Sledgehammer was working on a new COD title that would apparently move the game into the action-adventure gaming genre, but with the news for more hands on deck to deliver Modern Warfare 3 on time, other projects are on the back burner. Despite Sledgehammer’s involvement, Activision has gone to great lengths to make sure that it is known this is very much an Infinity Ward game; and the title features many of the same developers that worked on Modern Warfare 2, even though Jason West and Vince Zampella are not involved with Modern Warfare 3.
While Activision wants to do more with the COD franchise, these things take time and right now the focus has to be on getting Modern Warfare out the door. Sources tell us that there are no problems with MW3 making its announcement ship date.
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Action-adventure COD still alive

Sledgehammer focused on MW3 right now
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