Published in Gaming

Nintendo to slash original Wii price

by on16 October 2012


Will drop to $130 this holiday season

With the launch of the Wii U approaching ever nearer, Nintendo will be slashing the price of the original Wii for the holiday season from $150 to $130. The move isn’t unexpected; but apparently it will only apply to a new Wii bundle that will start arriving at retailers now (but should be in wide release by no later than October 28th).

Nintendo has put a new Wii package together for this $130 price, which will include a black Wii console, one Wii Remote, one Nunchuk, and Wii Sports and Wii Sports Resort on one disc. The fact that Nintendo is putting Wii Sports and Wii Sports Resort on one disc in this bundle is interesting.

It looks like Microsoft will combat the Wii and Wii U this holiday season with a number of holiday bundle options for the Xbox 360. Sony, with the PlayStation 3, will opt to sell the new SuperSlim in two bundles (priced at $270 and $300) that include large hard drives as well as bundled games. At this point, it would seem that Sony is not planning to make cuts on their hardware this holiday season, but Microsoft has slashed $50 from the price of its holiday bundles in North America.

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