Published in Gaming

Is the Xbox One priced too high?

by on25 June 2013

Bloomberg analyst thinks it is

Bloomberg has been told by analyst and pricing expert Rafi Mohammed, who is the author of “The Art of Pricing”, that the Xbox One is priced too high. According to Mohammed, the need to get the console into the user’s hands is the goal and the real money is made from the games.

The $100 difference between the Xbox one and the PlayStation 4 is higher than anyone would have imagined it could have been. While Microsoft did listen to consumer feedback and changed their DMR policies for the Xbox One to be in line with what the consumers wanted, you have to wonder if it was too little, too late.

Mohammed suggests that pulling the Kinect from the bundle would be the logical way to reduce costs, but Microsoft has been steadfast, insisting that the Kinect is necessary for the experience that the Xbox One delivers.

Read more here.


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